IS Codes for Cement and Concrete

IS 269:1989 – Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 33 grade

IS 383:1970 – Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete

IS 455:1989 Specification for Portland slag cement

IS 456:2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

IS 457:1957 Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for dams and other massive structures

IS 516:1959 Method of test for strength of concrete

IS 650:1991 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement

IS 1199:1959 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete

IS 1343:1980 Code of practice for prestressed concrete

IS 1344:1981 Specification for calcined clay pozzolana

IS 1489(Part 1):1991 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement Part 1 Flyash based

IS 1489(Part 2):1991 Specification for Portland-pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based

IS 1727:1967 Methods of test for pozzolanic materials

IS 2386(Part 1):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 1 Particle size and shape

IS 2386(Part 2):1963 Methods of test for aggreegates for concrete: Part 2 Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities

IS 2386(Part 3):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 3 Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking

IS 2386(Part 4):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 4 Mechanical properties

IS 2386(Part 5):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 5 Soundness

IS 2386(Part 6):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 6 Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates

IS 2386(Part 7):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 7 Alkali aggregate reactivity

IS 2386(Part 8):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 8 Petrographic examination

IS 2430:1986 Methods for sampling of aggregates for concrete

IS 2502:1963 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement

IS 2645:2003 Integral waterproofing compounds for cement mortar and concrete – Specification

IS 2770(Part 1):1967 Methods of testing bond in reinforced concrete: Part 1 Pull-out test

IS 3085:1965 Method of test for permeability of cement mortar and concrete

IS 3370(Part 1):2009 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids: Part 1 General requirements

IS 3370(Part 2):2009 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids: Part 2 Reinforced concrete structures

IS 3370(Part 3):1967 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 3 Prestressed concrete

IS 3370(Part 4):1967 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 4 Design tables

IS 3466:1988 Specification for masonry cement

IS 3535:1986 Methods of sampling hydraulic cement

IS 3558:1983 Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators

IS 3812(Part 1):2003 Specification for pulverized fuel ash Part 1 For use as pozzolana in cement, cement
mortar and concrete

IS 3812(Part 2):2003 Specification for pulverized fuel ash Part 2 For use as admixture in cement mortar and

IS 4031(Part 1):1996 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 1 Determination of fineness by dry sieving

IS 4031(Part 2):1999 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 2 Determination of fineness by specific surface by Blaine air permeability method

IS 4031(Part 3):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 3 Determination of soundness

IS 4031(Part 4):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 4 Determination of consistency of standard cement paste

IS 4031(Part 5):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 5 Determination of initial and final setting times

IS 4031(Part 6):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 6 Determination of compressive strength of hydraulic cement (other than masonry cement)

IS 4031(Part 7):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 7 Determination of compressive strength of masonry cement

IS 4031(Part 8):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 8 Determination of transverse and compressive strength of plastic mortar using prism

IS 4031(Part 9):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 9 Determination of heat of hydration

IS 4031(Part 10):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 10 Determination of drying shrinkage

IS 4031(Part 11):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 11 Determination of density

IS 4031(Part 12):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 12 Determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar

IS 4031(Part 13):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 13 Measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement

IS 4031(Part 14):1989 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 14 Determination of false set

IS 4031(Part 15):1991 Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement: Part 15 Determination of fineness by wet sieving

IS 4032:1985 Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement

IS 4305:1967 Glossary of terms relating to pozzolana

IS 4634:1991 Methods for testing performance of batch-type concrete mixers

IS 4845:1968 Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic

IS 4926:2003 Ready mixed concrete – Code of practice

IS 5512:1983 Specification for flow table for use in tests of hydraulic cements and pozzolanic materials

IS 5513:1996 Specification for vicat apparatus

IS 5514:1996 Specification for apparatus used in Le-Chatelier test

IS 5515:1983 Specification for compaction factor apparatus

IS 5516:1996 Specification for variable flow type air-permeability apparatus (Blaine type)

IS 5525:1969 Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works

IS 5536:1969 Specification for constant flow type air- permeability apparatus (Lea and Nurse type)

IS 5816:1999 Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete

IS 6452:1989 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use

IS 6461(Part 1):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 1 Concrete aggregates

IS 6461(Part 2):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 2 Materials (other than cement and aggregate)

IS 6461(Part 3):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 3 Concrete reinforcement

IS 6461(Part 4):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 4 Types of concrete

IS 6461(Part 5):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 5 Formwork for concrete

IS 6461(Part 6):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 6 Equipment, tools and plant

IS 6461(Part 7):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 7 Mixing, laying, compaction, curing and other construction aspects

IS 6461(Part 8):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete

IS 6461(Part 9):1972 Glossary of terms relating of cement concrete:Part 9 Structural aspects

IS 6461(Part 10):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete:Part 10 Tests and testing apparatus

IS 6461(Part 11):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 11 Prestressed concrete

IS 6461(Part 12):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 12 Miscellaneous

IS 6491:1972 Method of sampling fly ash

IS 6909:1990 Specification for supersulphated cement

IS 6925:1973 Methods of test for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admixtures

IS 7246:1974 Recommendations for use of table vibrators for consolidating concrete

IS 7320:1974 Specification for concrete slump test apparatus

IS 7325:1974 Specification for apparatus for determining constituents of fresh concrete

IS 7861(Part 1):1975 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 1 Recommended practice for hot weather

IS 7861(Part 2):1981 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting:Part 2 Recommended practice for cold weather concreting

IS 8041:1990 Specification for rapid hardening Portland cement

IS 8042:1989 Specification for white Portland cement

IS 8043:1991 Specification for hydrophobic Portland cement

IS 8112:1989 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland

IS 8125:1976 Dimensions and materials of cement rotary kilns, components and auxiliaries (dry process with
suspension preheater)

IS 8142:1976 Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance

IS 8229:1986 Specification for oil-well cement

IS 8425:1977 Code of practice for determination of specific surface area of powders by air permeability

IS 9012:1978 Recommended practice for shotcreting

IS 9013:1978 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured
concrete test specimens

IS 9103:1999 Specification for admixtures for concrete

IS 9142:1979 Specification for artificial light weight aggregates for concrete masonry units

IS 9284:1979 Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete

IS 9376:1979 Specification for apparatus for measuring aggregate crushing value and ten percent fines

IS 9377:1979 Specification for apparatus for aggregate impact

IS 9399:1979 Specification for apparatus for flexural testing of concrete

IS 9459:1980 Specification for apparatus for use in measurement of length change of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete

IS 9799:1981 Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete

IS 10070:1982 Specification for machine for abrasion testing of coarse aggregates

IS 10078 :1982 Specification for jolting apparatus for testing

IS 10079:1982 Specification for cylindrical metal measures for use in tests of aggregates and concrete

IS 10080:1982 Specification for vibration machine for casting Oct standard cement mortar cubes

IS 10086:1982 Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete

IS 10262:2009 Guidelines for concrete mix proportioning

IS 10510:1983 Specification for vee-bee consistometer

IS 10850:1984 Specification for apparatus for measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement

IS 10890:1984 Specification for planetary mixer used in tests of cement and pozzolana

IS 11262:1985 Specification for calorimeter for determination of heat of hydration of hydraulic cement

IS 11263:1985 Specification for cylinder measures for determination of air content of hydraulic cement

IS 11578:1986 Method for determination of specific surface area of powder and porous particle using low
temperature gas absorption techniques

IS 11993:1987 Code of practice for use of screed board concrete vibrators

IS 12089:1987 Specification for granulated slag for manufacture of Portland slag cement

IS 12119:1987 General requirements for pan mixers for concrete

IS 12269:1987 Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland

IS 12303:1987 Criteria for design of RCC hinges Dec

IS 12330:1988 Specification for sulphate resisting Portland

IS 12423:1988 Method for colorimetric analysis of hydraulic

IS 12600:1989 Specification for low heat Portland cement

IS 12803:1989 Methods of analysis of hydraulic cement by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

IS 12813:1989 Method of analysis of hydraulic cement by atomic absorption spectrophotometer

IS 12870:1989 Methods of sampling calcined clay pozzolana

IS 13311(Part 1):1992 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 1 Ultrasonic pulse velocity

IS 13311(Part 2):1992 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 2 Rebound hammer

IS 14345:1996 Specification for autoclave apparatus

IS 14687:1999 Guidelines for falsework for concrete structures

IS 14858:2000 Requirements for compression testing machine used for testing of concrete and mortar

IS 14959(Part 1):2001 Method of test for determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete:Part 1 Fresh mortar and concrete

IS 14959(Part 2):2001 Method of test for determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete:Part 2 Hardened mortar and concrete

IS 15388:2003 Silica fume – Specification


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