When you finally do sit down to interview with a prospective employer and you are really, sincerely interested in working for them, then it is important for you to be prepared to handle every facet of the job interview. If you can focus yourself on the most important facets of the initial employment interview with a company that you are serious about working for, then you should be able to relax yourself, as well as to be more in control of the message that you are trying to send to the prospective employer.
By now you should have a pretty basic idea of the biggest and most critical
mistakes that need to be avoided in your initial job interview if you want to be successful in proving to the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job. There is an art to job interviews, and by taking the tips and information in this report seriously, you have already taken positive steps to mastering this excellent art. Once you learn how to master job interviews, you will not have trouble securing any job or position that you want. By avoiding these ten critical mistakes, you can launch yourself forward, proving that you are the right candidate for the job rather than making a fatal mistake that will cost you the job of your dreams. It may be surprising how easily a handful of small mistakes could affect your job interview success in some pretty serious ways. If you are serious about the job that you are applying for, and you really want to stand out as a positive and memorable candidate, then it is absolutely vital that you avoid these ten critical mistakes.
There are ten critical mistakes that need to be avoided if you want to be successful in the job interview process.
01 – Inadequate Preparation for the Interview – Show up to your interview with the right preparation. Research the company and the job that you are applying for long before you leave for your interview.
02 – Arriving Too Early or Too Late – The best way to arrive to your interview is to show up ten to fifteen minutes early. Arriving too early or too late can seriously hurt your chances of job interview success.
03 – Having the Wrong Attitude – Your attitude says a lot about how serious you are about the job and the job interview. Have the right attitude and avoid verbal and non-verbal cues that you are distracted or that your heart is not truly in the interview.
04 – Being Unprepared for Interview Questions – Most interviewers ask very similar questions which means that you can prepare yourself a great deal before you walk in to your interview. Practice your answers to the tougher interview questions and you will have better luck answering them in the interview.
05 – Not Asking the Right Questions – At the end of most interviews, the person who is interviewing you will ask “Do you have any questions for me?” You need to be prepared to ask questions that are relevant to the job in question.
06 – Dressing Inappropriately – While most people think they have a good idea of what interview dress is like, many are wrong. It would be advisable for you to scope out the work place beforehand so that you can dress appropriately before you arrive.
07 – Asking about Salary or Benefits – There are a number of questions that you should absolutely refuse to bring up during the interview process, one of which relates to salary and benefits which should not be brought up until a job offer is on the table.
08 – Not Arriving with the Right Documents – Preparing yourself with the right documents, including work samples, references, referrals, recommendations and copies of your curriculum vitae or resume is vital to being ready for an interview and showing your interviewer that you are serious about the job.
09 – Being Dishonest or Impolite – Attitude is everything. Be honest, be polite, and give your prospective employer a good impression of who you are. After all, your interviewer may very well be your future boss!
10 – Marketing Yourself Incorrectly – Job interviews are all about marketing yourself right. Sell your skills, talents and hobbies and make yourself memorable and you will go far. The more memorable you are, the more you will stand out from other candidates who are trying to get the same job that you are interested in. Stand out from the crowd in your interview, and you truly will go far.
You truly are on your way to mastering the art of the successful job interview! The more you practice in front of a mirror, the more you will be able to fine tune your ability to answer questions properly, to ask questions well, to eliminate negative habits or negative attitudes, and to create an appearance that is visually appealing to your prospective employer while giving them the impression that you are an excellent candidate for whatever job you are applying for. By avoiding these ten critical mistakes in your initial job interview, you will have much greater success in your interviews, it’s that simple. Good luck!
Thanks for sharing this great information.
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