What is NCR in Construction? Process to Close when detected?




NCR typically stands for "Non Conformance Report "it is formal document is used in construction projects to record and communicate instances where work of materials do not meet the specified requirements, standards, codes and quality expectations.

When a non-conformance is detected, internally by Construction Team or externally by consultants or third parties, a root cause of non-conforming product or service is performed using 5M method (Material, Machine, Manpower, Measurement including management and Mother Earth (Environment) by Quality team in coordination with relevant team(s) causing the non-conformity and actions implemented to prevent their recurrence.

Non-conformances or opportunities for improvement may be identified by employees, customer complaints or by quality management system audit reports. By whichever means a non-conformance is identified, the underlying cause of the non-conformance is investigated.

The Quality Manager/Engineer  will review any issues raised and complete a non-conformance report in order to identify root cause and level of action required.

Al Construction will take action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence. Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformity encountered.

A documented procedure has been established to define requirements for:

(a)   Reviewing nonconformities (including Engineer complaints)

(b)   Determining the causes of nonconformities

(c)   Evaluating the need for action to ensure that conformities do not occur

(d)   Determining and implementing actions needed

(e)   Records of the results of action taken and

(f)    Reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective action taken

Designated personnel must implement the agreed level of action within an agreed timescale.

The Department Head will follow up all corrective actions to ensure effective and timely responses are achieved.

The Department Head or representative will close out the corrective action when satisfactory resolution has been achieved and when objective evidence of close out has been obtained through inquiry or audit.

Preventive action such as, implementing, modifying or enforcing procedures or controls will be taken to avoid repetition of the non-conformance where necessary.

The corrective action request originator verifies the effectiveness of the corrective action(s) taken. Where the Originator is also responsible for the implementation of the corrective action; the Department Head will provide the verification for corrective action request closure.

If corrective actions are determined to be not effective, the original corrective action request will be closed, and a new corrective action request will be issued.

1.1       Review and Disposition of Nonconforming Items

Quality Manager in coordination with Construction Manager will review all non-conforming items and provide recommendations related to disposition to Project Manager.

Project Manager will have the final authority to determine the relevant disposition of nonconforming items.

Nonconforming items will be reviewed in accordance with Contractor’s Control of Non-Conformance Procedure. A nonconforming item may be:

(a)   reworked to meet the specified requirements

(b)   accepted with or without repair if agreed in writing by the Engineer

(c)   re-graded for alternative applications

(d)   rejected or scrapped.

The proposed use or repair of an item which does not conform to the requirements of the Project Documentation shall be reported to the Engineer. The description of the nonconformity and of repairs shall be recorded to denote the actual condition.

Repaired and/or reworked products shall be inspected in accordance with the documented procedure

1.2       Closing of the Violation

The NCR is issued for poor quality of any material or deliverable that does not meet the technical, functional or administrative requirements,

Three things must occur in order for an NCR to be closed.

a.     The original offence causing the violation must be remedied.

b.     A root cause analysis must be performed.

c.     Any policies, procedures, or controls that need to be written, updated, or implemented must be accomplished with evidence included.


NCR must be responded within 14 working days from the issue date for root cause, correction and corrective action while proposed closed date shall be estimated after thorough deliberation of review period and duration required for completion of remedial action and corrective action.

In all cases, NCR close out dates shall not be surpassed to remain within agreed close out dates

Site Observation reports must be closed within a maximum of 14 days


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