What is Lime in Construction? Types?


Lime is an inorganic material composed primarily of calcium oxides and hydroxides. It is also the name for calcium oxide which occurs as a product of coal-seam fires and in altered limestone xenoliths in volcanic ejecta. The word lime originates with its earliest use as building mortar and has the sense of sticking or adhering.



Different types of limes used in construction are Quick Lime, Slaked Lime, Fat Lime and Hydraulic Lime. They are obtained by the process of calcination of natural limestone over a temperature of 900-degree Celsius. Every form of lime is highly versatile and is used in environmental, construction, chemical and metallurgical industries.


Types of Limes

1. Quick lime

It is also known as caustic lime. It is obtained by calcination (i.e. heating to redness) of comparatively pure lime stone. It is amorphous in nature, highly caustic and possesses great affinity to moisture.


2. Slaked lime

It is also known as hydrate of lime. It is obtained by slaking (i.e. chemical combination of quick lime with water) of quick lime. It is ordinary pure lime, in white powder form, available in market. It has got the tendency of absorbing carbonic acid from the atmosphere in presence of water.


3. Fat lime

It is also known as high calcium lime or pure lime or rich lime or white lime. It is popularly known as fat lime as it slakes vigorously and its volume is increased to about 2 to 2.5 times that of quick lime. This lime is used for various purposes as white washing, plastering of walls, as lime mortar with sand for pointing in masonry work, as a lime mortar with surkhi for thick masonry walls, foundations, etc.


4. Hydraulic lime

It is also known as water lime. This lime contains clay and some amount of ferrous oxide. It sets under water and hence also known as water lime. Depending upon the percentage of clay IS has divided hydraulic lime in three classes namely:


         I.            Class A – Eminently hydraulic

       II.            Class B – Semi Hydraulic

     III.            Class C – Non-hydraulic (or Fat lime)

What is a Foundation? Types?


In engineering, a foundation is the element of a structure which connects it to the ground or more rarely, water (as with floating structures), transferring loads from the structure to the ground. Foundations are generally considered either shallow or deep. Foundation engineering is the application of soil mechanics and rock mechanics (geotechnical engineering) in the design of foundation elements of structures.

All structures are provided with foundation at the base to fulfil the following objectives and purposes:


To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area.

To load the bearing surface at uniform rate so as to avoid unequal settlement.

To prevent the lateral movement of the supporting material.

To increase the stability of the structure as a whole.


Foundation are classified on the basis of load transmission to the ground into two sub-categories i.e. shallow foundation and deep foundation.


Shallow Foundation

Shallow foundation are those foundations in which the depth at which the foundation is placed is less than the width of the foundation (D < B). Shallow foundations are generally termed as spread footing as they transmit the load of the super structure laterally into the ground.


Classification of Shallow Foundation:

On the basis of design, the shallow foundation are classified as:

1.       Wall Footing

2.       Isolated column or Column Footing

3.       Combined Footing

4.       Cantilever (Strap) Footing

5.       Mat (Raft) Foundation

Wall Footing

This type of foundation runs continuous along the direction of the wall and helps to transmit the load of the wall into the ground. Wall footing are suitable where loads to be transmitted are small and are economical in dense sands and gravels. In this type of foundation the width is 2-3 times the width of the wall at ground level. Wall footing may be constructed through stone, brick, plain or reinforced cement concrete.


Column Footing

Column footing are suitable and economical for the depth greater than 1.5m. In this type of foundation the base of the column is enlarged. Column footing is in the form of flat slab and may be constructed through plain or reinforced concrete.


Combined Footing

Combined footings are those foundations that are made common for two or more columns in a row. It is used when the footing for a column may extend beyond the property line. It is also suitable when the two columns are closely spaced and the soil on which the structure resist is of low bearing capacity. It may be rectangular or trapezoidal in shape.


Strap Footing

When an edge footing cannot be extended beyond the property line the edge footing is linked up with the other interior footing by means of a strap beam. Such footings are called as strap footing. It is also know as cantilever footing.


Mat Foundation

A mat foundation is a combined footing which covers the entire area beneath of a structure and supports all the walls and columns. It is also known as raft foundation. Mat foundation is applicable when:

Allowable bearing pressure is low.

The structure is heavy.

The site is with highly compressible layer.


The mat foundation can be further classified into following types:

·         Flat slab type.

·         Flat Slab thickened under column.

·         Two way beam and slab type.

·         Flat slab with pedestals.

·         Rigid frame mat.

·         Piled mat.


Deep Foundation

Deep Foundation are those foundations in which the depth of the foundation is greater than its width (D>B). The D/B ratio is usually 4-5 for deep foundation. Unlike shallow foundation, the deep foundation transmits the load of the superstructure vertically to the rock strata lying deep. Deep foundations are used when the shallow foundation cannot support the load of the structure.


Classification of Deep Foundation

The mat foundation can be further classified into following types:


·         Pile Foundation

·         Pier Foundation

·         Well (Caissons) Foundation

·         Pile Foundation

Pile is a slender member with small area of cross-section relative to its length. They can transfer load either by friction or by bearing. Pile foundation are used when:


The load is to be transferred to stronger or less compressible stratum, preferably rock.

The granular soils need to be compacted.

The horizontal and the inclined forces need to be carried from the bridge abutments and the retaining walls.

Classification of Pile Foundation

The pile foundation can be further classified into following types on various basis such as function, material, method of installation which are listed below:


Based on Function:


·         Bearing piles

·         Friction piles

·         Combined piles (Both bearing and friction)


Based on Material:


·         Timber piles

·         Concrete piles

·         Steel piles


Based on Method of Installation:


·         Large displacement piles

·         Small displacement piles

·         Non-displacement piles

Pier Foundation

Pier foundation are underground cylindrical structural member that support heavier load of the structure which shallow foundations cannot resist. Unlike pile foundation, pier foundation can only transfer load by bearing. Pier foundation are shallower in depth than the pile foundation. Pier foundation are used when:


The top strata is a decomposed rock underlying as sound rock strata.

The soil is a stiff clay that occurs large resistance for driving the bearing pile.

Well (Caissons) Foundation

The term caisson refers to box or a case. These are hollow inside and are usually constructed at the site and sunk in place into a hard bearing strata. As they are expensive in construction, they are usually restricted to major foundation works. Well foundation are suitable when the soil contains large boulders obstructing the penetration during installation of pier or pile foundations. Caissons are used for bridge piers, abutments in rivers and lakes and other shore protection works. They are used to resist heavy vertical and horizontal loads and are used in the construction of large water front structures as pump houses.


Classification of Well Foundation

·         Open Caissons

·         Pneumatic Caissons

·         Box Caissons

·         Factors affecting the selection of Foundation:

·         On the basis of ground/soil condition


Shallow foundations are preferred where soil close to the surface is capable of supporting structure loads.

Where the ground close to the surface is not capable of supporting structural loads, hard strata is searched for and deep foundation is required.

Uniform stable ground requires relatively shallow foundation whereas filled up ground has low bearing capacity thus requires deep foundation.

On the basis of Loads from Building:


In the case of low-rise building in a larger area, the extent of loading is relatively low, so shallow foundation can resist the load from the structures.

In the case of the high-rise building built within less area have high loads. Therefore, the deep foundation is required as shallow foundation may not be able to resist such loads of greater intensity.

What is Static Load Testing for Piles?


The static load test (SLT) involves the direct measurement of pile head displacement in the response to a physically applied test load. It is the most fundamental form of pile load test and is considered as the bench-mark of pile performance. Testing has been performed in the load range 100kN to 12,000 kN. The SLT may be carried out for the following load configurations.


For the SLT the load is most commonly applied via a jack acting against a reaction beam, which is restrained by an anchorage system or by jacking up against a reaction mass (“kentledge”or dead weight).

The anchorage system may be in the form of cable anchors or reaction piles installed into the ground to provide tension resistance. The nominated test load is usually applied in a series of increments in accordance with the appropriate Code, or with a pre-determined load testing specification for a project. Each load increment is sustained for a specified time period, or until the rate of pile movement is less than a nominated value.

Static load testing methods are applicable to all pile types, on land or over water, and may be carried out on either production piles or sacrificial trial piles. Trial piles are specifically constructed for the purpose of carrying out load tests and therefore, are commonly loaded to failure. Testing of production piles however, is limited to prove that a pile will perform satisfactorily at the serviceability or design load, plus an overload to demonstrate that the pile has some (nominated) reserve capacity.




Loading is applied to the test pile using a calibrated hydraulic jack, and where required a calibrated load cell measures the load. During the SLT, direct measurements of pile displacement under the applied loading are taken by reading deflectometers (dial gauges reading to 0.01mm) that are positioned on glass reference plates cemented to the pile head. The deflectometers are supported by reference beams that are founded a specified distance away from both the test pile and any reaction points.


Although SLT is generally held as the most reliable form of load testing a pile or pile group, it is important that interaction effects are minimized. These may result from interaction between the test pile and the anchorage systems, or between the measuring system and reaction points. For this reason, careful attention is given to performing the test in accordance with proper procedures.

What Is Shotcrete?


Shotcrete is a mortar or concrete that is pneumatically projected or sprayed by a nozzle with high velocity on the prepared surface.


Types Of Shotcretes:

There are basically two types of shotcreting processes:

1. Dry-mix process and

2. Wet-mix process.



It is very useful and has great advantages over conventional concrete in a new variety of construction and repair works.

1. Excellent bonding in nature makes the concrete layers very strong.

2. It is more economical than conventional concrete and requires less formwork.

3. The Concrete can be applied by a nozzle from a safe distance.



1. The production cost is very high.

2. Dusting problems.

3. So many wastages of concrete.



1. Thin overhead vertical or horizontal surfaces.

2. Curved or folded sections like tunnels, canals, reservoirs, or swimming pools, and pre-stressed tanks.

3. Stabilized rock slopes.

4. Restoration and repairing of old building and fire-damaged structure.

5. Waterproofing walls (Swimming Pools)etc.

What Is Bleeding Of Concrete?


Bleeding can be defined as the tendency of water to rise to the surface of freshly placed concrete. It is another form of segregation where some amount of water comes to the concrete surface after placing and compacting, before setting.

The water content carries some particles of sand and cementing materials. Sometimes bleeding helps to reduce the plastic shrinkage cracks in concrete.


Effects of Bleeding in concrete:


1. Concrete loses its homogeneity which results in weak and porous concrete.

2. It makes the concrete permeable.

3. It delays the surface finishing in pavement construction.

4. Bleeding of concrete causes high water-cement ratio at the top surface.

5. The bond between two concrete layers become weaker.

6. Pumping ability of concrete is significantly reduced.


Bleeding in concrete can be reduced by taking following precautions:

1. Design the concrete mix properly.

2. Add minimum water content in the concrete mix.

3. Add more cement in the mix.

4. Increase the number of fine particles in the sand.

5. Use a little amount of air entraining admixture.

6. Use more finely ground cement.

What is Waterproofing Membranes? Types?



A waterproofing membrane is a layer of water-tight material that lies on concrete or any other surface to prevent water leaks or damages. The process usually consists of liquid-applied or pre-formed sheet membranes.

The objective of waterproofing is to secure a building from all kinds of water damages and prevent further repair work on the structure. Excess water exposure can enlarge the foundation cracks and joints, leading to issues with leakage, deterioration, and spalling that will require repairs. Before water damage leads to bigger issues in a building, waterproofing can provide:


Safety: Damage due to a lack of waterproofing can be so severe that it impacts the integrity of the building, resulting in an unsafe environment.

A way to strengthen the structure: Waterproofing membranes prolong the lifespan of a building by limiting any moisture that may intrude and cause rust, rotting, corrosion, structural defects, or other damage to property and contents.

A healthier environment: Waterproofing can help provide a space that is well-maintained and protected from different elements. The build-up on the walls and ceilings can cause fungus and mold growth, leading to allergies and health issues.


The different types of waterproofing membranes consist of the following primary materials.


1. Self-Adhesive Modified Bituminous Membrane

Self-adhesive modified bituminous membranes are composed of asphalt, polymers, and tackifiers, and may contain mineral stabilizers. The product may be reinforced with fiberglass, polyester, or a combination of the two. Products designed for exposure to the elements typically will be surfaced with mineral granules, coatings, films, or other opaque surfacing.

2. Polymer-Modified Bitumen Membrane

The most widespread materials for the creation of the waterproofing layer are the polymer-bitumen roll-fed sheet membranes. These materials could also be used as an underlay for pitched roofs and as a vapor barrier.

3. EPDM Membrane

It is a preformed elastomeric waterproofing membrane made of high-quality EPDM rubber. It exhibits high tensile strength, elongation, tear strength, and resistance to weathering, heat aging, ozone, UV rays, acids, alkalis, and oxygenated solvents. 

4. Thermoplastic Membrane

Thermoplastic roof membranes are distinct from other commercial roofing systems. It is a blend of polypropylene, ethylene-propylene and is often reinforced with polyester. Sheets of TPO can contain UV absorbers, colorants, flame retardants, or other add-ins to achieve the required physical properties.

5. Bituminous Membrane (Asphalt)

Hot melt liquid bituminous rubber blend structural waterproofing systems with an interlaid reinforcement can be used in roof and podium deck applications to provide a seamless waterproofing membrane for high green roofs and podiums, and are sometimes specified for winter applications where low temperatures are common.

6. Polyurethane Membrane

These products come with a fibre-enhanced, water-based polyurethane membrane that has been designed for a range of waterproofing applications where the membrane is to be covered with tiles, screeds, concrete beds, and more. These membranes offer excellent adhesion properties for use on building substrates, including concrete, masonry, renders, cement sheeting, wet area sheet surfaces, and plasterboard surfaces.

7. Chemical Grouting to Seal Cement Structures

Hydrophilic chemical grouts have flexibility and resilience after full cure. This will allow movement to occur in the structure without damaging the seal. Hydrophobic resins are rigid after curing and do not recover from compression. If the structure moves, there is a good chance the cell structure will be damaged and leaks will reappear. Hydrophobic chemical grout is low viscosity and permeates loose and non-consolidated soils readily.


What is Structural Building Design in Civil Engineering Construction?


Structural design
or structural building design in civil engineering is a specialized area that includes methods and tools that help determine the safety and economical specifications of a building structure design. This ensures the planned structure is strong enough to hold the intended load. As a structural engineer, your role will be to analyze how the internal and external forces affect the structure. You will design structures with the most appropriate materials and reinforcements to meet all the requirements, from client needs to government regulations.


The purpose of structural design in civil engineering is multifaceted. Take a look at the key purposes below:


1. Built and Design

Structural building design directly affects the longevity and stability of a structure. Building a structure without considering its layout carries a risk of collapsing under its weight. Structural design helps determine key factors such as foundations, walls, floors, steep beams, material quality, etc., ensuring the built structure is safe and sound. Civil engineers essentially work on aesthetic design principles to design structures that withstand loads and pressure.


 2. Safety and Compliance

Structural design analysis ensures that the structure complies with the necessary design codes and safety requirements. An in-depth analysis helps make informed decisions regarding the load a structure can support, the wind speed it can withstand, and its overall capability in other environmental conditions. For instance, structural design analysis could’ve helped avoid the Hyatt Regency Hotel catastrophe we discussed above.


3. Construction Material

The material used to construct a structure guarantees its operational usability and safety. Structural design helps choose the most appropriate resources and materials for construction to ensure the structure’s stability throughout its intended service life.


Advances in Structural Design

Structural design in civil engineering has continuously evolved over the years, driven by technology, engineering knowledge, and advancements in materials. These advances have shaped the construction industry, enabling civil engineers to create safer, sustainable, and innovative structures that meet the modern world’s demands. Read on to learn about some advances in structural design:


1. Computational Tools and Simulations

These tools allow you to create complex structures and simulate how they will respond to various loads and forces in real-time, enabling accurate and efficient structural analysis. Building Information Modelling is a multidisciplinary approach that helps create a digital representation of a building’s functional and physical characteristics. It has become quite a name in structural design. It allows efficient and more integrated design processes, enabling you to create 3D models and perform complex simulations.

2. Advanced Materials

The material used for construction also plays a crucial role in the overall longevity and stability of structures. Several high-performance concrete materials are available in the market, including self-heating concrete, that offer strength, durability, and resistance to environmental factors. Besides, sustainable options such as cross-laminated timber can also be used to maintain structural integrity.


3. Sustainability and Green Design

Sustainable and recycled materials are being used widely to reduce the environmental impact of constructing a structure. Engineers are also incorporating passive design strategies to reduce the carbon footprints of a building and maximize energy efficiency.


Types of Careers Involving Structural Design

While many say that structure designers are responsible for designing structures only, that’s not true! Careers in structural design offer a wide range of opportunities in civil engineering and architecture. Here are some common career paths involving structural design:


1. Civil Designer

As a civil designer, you will plan and draft 3D designs of various structures and construction projects - roads, bridges, and sewage and drainage systems. You will refer to topography surveys and maps for grading nearby structures and use the information for building projects. This role will require you to review drawings to ensure they are accurate and have obtained proper permits from government authorities.


2. Design Engineer

As a design engineer, your responsibilities will include researching and developing ideas for new designs and structures. You will create blueprints, plans, drawings, and 3D models on software. You will test prototypes for new designs and review the existing ones to identify the potential risks and problems. You will also implement solutions to overcome the existing issues. Additionally, your role will require estimating construction costs, overseeing the construction process, and collaborating with other stakeholders.


3. Materials Engineer

Materials engineer is expected to develop, process, test, and evaluate various materials to use while constructing a structure. Your role will involve offering technical advice on the construction material, overseeing quality control, and undertaking repairs and maintenance work. You might also need to supervise technical staff and coordinate with suppliers.


4. Structural Designer

As a structural designer, you will use your knowledge to create structural designs and digital models. While designing, you will consider the designs of electrical, plumbing, and sewage systems and the construction materials that the builder may use. You may also review and revise the drawings and models to meet the client's requirements. However, you must ensure that the final structure is safe and functional.

What is Self Compacting Concrete (SCC)? Advantages and Disadvantages?


Self-compacting concrete (SCC), sometimes known as self-consolidating concrete, is one of the most popular forms of concrete. SCC has outstanding flow ability in its fresh state, performing self-compaction and material consolidation without segregation concerns.


Self-compacting concrete is a type of non-segregating concrete that can settle into formwork and envelop heavily reinforced, narrow, and deep portions with its weight.


Self-compacting concrete is new concrete that flows under its weight and does not require external vibration to compact. It is utilized in construction where vibrators cannot be used for concrete consolidation.

To decrease bleeding and segregation, certain self-compacting concrete mixtures use admixtures such as superplasticizers and viscosity modifiers. Concrete loses strength when it segregates, resulting in honeycombed regions on the surface. However, due to its plasticity and stability, well-designed self-compacting concrete will not segregate.


1. Cement

Self-compacting concrete can be made with ordinary/regular Portland cement in grades 43 or 53.


2. Aggregates

The aggregate size utilized in SCC design is limited to 20mm. If the structure’s reinforcement is crowded, the aggregate size can be 10 to 12mm. The optimum choice is well-graded aggregates in round or cubical shapes.


Fine aggregates used in SCC can be either natural aggregates or uniformly graded manufactured aggregates (M- Sand). Fine aggregates with particle sizes less than 0.125mm are commonly used.


3. Water

The water quality is the same as in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete construction.


4. Mineral Compounds

The mineral admixtures utilized can vary depending on the mix design and needed qualities. Many mineral admixtures can be used, and the properties they provide are listed below.

• GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag): The addition of GGBS improves the flowing properties of self-compacting concrete.


• Fly ash: The fine fly ash particles aid in filling the interior concrete matrix, resulting in fewer pores. This increases the quality and durability of structures made from self-compacting concrete.


• Silica Fumes: The addition of silica fumes to the self-compacting concrete structure improves its mechanical qualities.


• Stone Powder: Stone powder is used in SCC to increase the powder content of the mix.


5. Chemical Compounds

New-generation superplasticizers are often employed in the design of self-compacting concrete mixes. Air-entraining agents are used to strengthen the freezing and thawing resistance of the concrete construction. Retarders are used to control the timing of the setting.


Properties of Self-compacting Concrete:

Self-compacting concrete and traditional vibrated concrete with comparable compressive strengths have comparable qualities. Hence SCC can be utilized in most applications where traditional vibrated concrete is employed.


However, the composition of SCC differs from that of conventional concrete, and the difference exists in the performance during the fresh state; not much in terms of hardened state attributes.


Self-compacting concrete with the same water cement or cement binder ratio has a little higher strength than typical vibrated concrete, owing to an improved interface between the aggregate and solidified paste due to the absence of vibrations.


SCC varies from normal concrete in that its fresh qualities are critical in determining whether or not it can be successfully laid. To guarantee that its ability to be placed stays satisfactory, the aspects of workability that affect its filling ability, passing ability, and Segregation resistance must all be properly regulated.


Advantages of Self-compacting Concrete:

• The permeability of the concrete structure is reduced, as self-compacting concrete has a high filling ability.


• SCC allows for greater flexibility when developing concrete structures due to its high flowability.


• The SCC construction is more rapid as compared to traditional concrete.


• The vibration-related issues have been resolved. Vibrational noise is decreased.


• SCC is easily laid, which results in significant cost savings.


• The construction’s quality is improving.

• It can create creative architectural concrete constructions.


• SCC produces smoother and more aesthetically attractive surface finishes.


• The cost of manpower is reduced as there is no requirement for laborers to vibrate the concrete.


• Using SCC reduces cavities in heavily reinforced sections of the structure.


• It allows for easier pumping and a wide range of positioning methods. SCC necessitates lower pumping pressures. As a result, compared to standard concrete, SCC can be pumped more efficiently across greater distances and heights.


Disadvantages of Self Compacting Concrete:


• Self-compacting concrete, like any other building material, has the following limitations.


• The materials used for making SCC have to be selected very carefully. Hence the material selection process becomes more stringent.


• Using a planned blend necessitates multiple trial batches and laboratory tests.


• The greater flow velocity of SCC, in contrast to ordinary concrete, may result in a dynamic pressure in addition to the hydrostatic pressure of poured concrete for formwork design.


• There is no internationally recognized test standard for self-compacting concrete mix. Hence maintaining quality standards can be challenging while using SCC.

What is Structural Analysis in Civil Engineering? Types?


Defining Structural Analysis

Structural analysis is the process of calculating and determining the effects of loads and internal forces on a structure, building or object. Structural Analysis is particularly important for structural engineers to ensure they completely understand the load paths and the impacts the loads have on their engineering design. It allows engineers or designers to ensure a piece of equipment or structure is safe for use under the estimated loads it is expected to withstand. Structural Analysis can either be performed during design, testing or post-construction and will generally account for the materials used, geometry of the structure and applied loads.


Structural Analysis usually looks at individual structural elements, and the forces they undergo. A structural engineer will look at the structural analysis results for beams, slabs, cables and walls. All of these elements have forces applied to them, such as wind loads, dead loads (like self weight) and live loads (like people or vehicles). So it is important for the engineer to review how each of these elements behave under these loads. This is the core focus of structural analysis.


What are the types of Structural Analysis?

There are various methods used to perform structural analysis, depending on the level of accuracy required by the engineer. We can define structural analysis as being any of the following methods:


Hand Calculations: Simple hand calculations are an extremely fast and easy way to evaluate the effects of simple forces on simple structures. An example would be calculating the bending moment forces on a horizontal beam. These backs of the envelope calculations are standard practice in civil engineering, for those who do not wish to spend long hours designing the structure - but rather wish to know the rough forces a beam will undergo due to applied loads. Our structural engineering tutorials have some fantastic tutorials on how to perform some simple structural analysis using hand calculations.


Finite Element Analysis: Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a complex numerical method used to solve complicated problems which contain a number of variable inputs such as boundary conditions, applied loads and support types. It is a far more complicated, yet accurate method to run structural analysis compared to hand calculations. FEA requires that the structure is broken up into smaller parts (or elements) which can be evaluated individually for a more accurate estimate of the solution. This can be an extremely difficult and time-consuming process to set up and run. It is common that an FEA model will comprise of matrices thousands of entries - making it pretty much impossible to be evaluated by human calculations. If you want to learn more about this then explore our stiffness method calculator to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of how this works. FEA is an extremely powerful and accurate method of structural analysis and is the backbone of most Structural Analysis Software.


Structural Analysis Software: There are a great number of Structural Analysis Software that can perform the accurate FEA calculations without the difficulty of having to manually set up the complex process. SkyCiv Structural 3D is one such software which allows users to evaluate the effects of point loads, moments and distributed loads on a structure or design (SkyCiv S3D Documentation). This method is hands down the optimal and most common method to evaluate a structure with high precision and low calculation time. Some drawbacks of standard software is that it can be inaccessible or expensive. However, here at SkyCiv we aim to completely remove such disadvantages by providing affordable structural analysis software on an online platform - ready to be used by structural analysis engineer from any computer at anytime!

What Is a Material/ Technical Submittal in Construction?


In construction, a submittal is any written document or physical object that a contractor or subcontractor must supply to the Client/ Consultant for approval before construction can begin. A few construction submittal examples include:


Drawings and Diagrams: These documents show detailed drawings, diagrams, blueprints or plans from the subcontractor. For example, a shop drawing from the cabinetry subcontractor might show where and how certain cabinets will get installed in a kitchen renovation project.

Product Specifications: These documents outline detailed information about a certain product. This can include anything from flooring material types and colours to heavy equipment models and specifications that the project will use.

Product Samples: These submittals are physical samples of a material, finish, colour or other product. For example, this might be a small piece of the countertop planned for installation in the kitchen.

Compliance Certifications: This construction submittal would confirm that the product meets any necessary compliance requirements, like being fire-resistant or waterproof per city codes.

Safety Data Sheets: These outline handling and emergency response protocols for any hazardous materials the construction project will use. Since construction safety statistics show how dangerous hazardous material can be without the proper personal protective equipment (PPE), these submittals are especially important to keep workers healthy.



Submittals are important because they foster proper communication in construction projects, maintain quality control standards and ensure all project requirements are being followed.



1. Creation of the Submittal Item Registry

The submittal process begins when the general contractor creates a list of needed submittal items for the project. This list, called a submittal item registry, can cover over 1,000 items to be reviewed. The contractor must include anything involved in the planned project, from windows to paint, caulking, appliances and more for review..





 2. Subcontractors Gather Requested Submittals

Next, the general contractor will notify each subcontractor of what submittals they will be responsible for gathering. Subcontractors must then gather the requested documents or materials and submit them to the general contractor for review.


3. Initial Review by the General Contractor

After receiving the submittal, the general contractor will complete a simple review to make sure the submitted information or item matches what was initially requested. If not, the general contractor will return the project submittal to the subcontractor for changes and resubmission.


If it does match, the general contractor will stamp the submittal document and pass it along to the architect. On large projects, the architect may also have a few design team members assigned to help with the submittal process.


4. Secondary Review by the Architect/Design Team

The architect/design team will then review each submittal to make sure it matches the design in the original building contract. If any changes are needed, the design team can notate them on the submittal document and send it back to the general contractor, where the process will begin again if needed. If no changes are needed, the design team will also stamp off on the submittal document.


5. Subcontractors Notified of Approval and Purchasing Begins

Once the submittal is approved and stamped, the general contractor will notify the subcontractors that they can proceed with purchasing the supplies.


It’s extremely unusual for any purchasing or construction work to begin without an approved submittal. This is because the approved submittal is also a legally binding contract of payment for the subcontractor. Without it, the subcontractor risks not receiving payment for any materials or labor supplied.

What is a Construction Audit? And Types?


Construction Internal Audits are an integral part of any Quality Management System (QMS) and a fundamental requirement of the ISO:9001 Standard. However, things can be quite different if the audit refers to the quality management system (QMS) of a project or of a construction company.


Carrying out Internal Audits is critical for the identification of any issues and to prevent nonconformities before they actually occur.


Types of Construction Audits

1. Prequalification or Pre-selection Audits

These are internal audits that the organization or the Project is performing to assess the management system of a subcontractor or supplier (including Designers) before a contract is signed with them. Once such an audit has a successful outcome, then the subcontractor can then be considered for the specific works in the project and enter the tendering or bidding process.


2. Third-party audits for certification

These audits are when a third-party accredited organization is invited (or “hired” basically) to audit a construction project or a construction company to provide the ISO:9001 Certificate (many times required by the Client). These are very strict and thorough audits that usually cover other standards, such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) and ISO 45001 (Health and Safety Management Systems). These audits are usually carried out on an annual basis and are required to renew the ISO Certification.


3. Project Internal Construction Audits

These are the internal audits that are usually carried out by the quality personnel of the specific Project (Quality or QA/QC Department) and their aim is to scrutinize the internal processes that have been set up for this Project only. This category also includes Audits on Subcontractors, Designers and Suppliers of the project/company, mainly

a) To ensure that the document control procedure is in line with the relevant international standards.

b) To ensure that the approved Project Quality plan, Inspection Test Plan and Project HSE Plan are

effectively implemented at site level and in place.

c) To ensure that the general and specific contract requirements, client requirements, and Specifications are complied with.

d) Systems audit, compliance audit, and product audit as per Client requirements.

e) To ensure that the criteria of international best practice standards for quality, health, safety, and

the environment are met at the site level.


4. Internal Audits from the parent company

It’s not uncommon in construction industry, for the Quality Department of the parent company) to audit a specific project team. These basically aim to monitor the performance of the project according to corporate procedures. These internal audits are also very common in Construction Joint Ventures, where each JV partner monitors the project’s system and performance.


5. Audits by the Client

These are Audits that are carried out by the Client or Client’s representatives in order to make sure that all contractual requirements regarding the quality management system of the Project are in place. Usually, during the Audit, the Contractor is represented by the Project’s Quality Department. The construction industry is unique in that regard because it is one of the industries where the “Customer” can perform audits during the production of the “Product”.


6. Mini internal Project Audits

These quick audits are also called “Surveillances” or “Works-Audits” and they are usually short audits from the Quality Department of a Project to ensure that the approved documentation (Method Statements, Inspection and Test Plan, Procedures etc) are followed on site. Sometimes, these are also performed as “Quality Tours or Walks”. It’s not uncommon for these ones to be performed (or witnessed) by the Client’s representatives as well.


7. Other Construction Audits

These are any other unplanned audits that don’t belong to the above categories. These are mainly unplanned audits that the management requests after an incident or a major NCR. These are useful for identifying the root causes of an issue or understanding trends that might be affecting a construction project or a company.


What is Formwork in Construction? and Types?

Formwork is the term given to either temporary or permanent moulds into which concrete or similar materials are poured. In the context of concrete construction, the falsework supports the shuttering moulds.

Formwork comes in several types:


Traditional timber formwork

 The formwork is built on site out of timber and plywood or moisture-resistant particleboard. It is easy to produce but time-consuming for larger structures, and the plywood facing has a relatively short lifespan. It is still used extensively where the labour costs are lower than the costs for procuring re-usable formwork. It is also the most flexible type of formwork, so even where other systems are in use, complicated sections may use it.

Engineered Formwork System

 This formwork is built out of prefabricated modules with a metal frame (usually steel or aluminium) and covered on the application (concrete) side with material having the wanted surface structure (steel, aluminium, timber, etc.). The two major advantages of formwork systems, compared to traditional timber formwork, are speed of construction (modular systems pin, clip, or screw together quickly) and lower life-cycle costs (barring major force, the frame is almost indestructible, while the covering if made of wood; may have to be replaced after a few - or a few dozen - uses, but if the covering is made with steel or aluminium the form can achieve up to two thousand uses depending on care and the applications).

Re-usable plastic formwork

 These interlocking and modular systems are used to build widely variable, but relatively simple, concrete structures. The panels are lightweight and very robust. They are especially suited for low-cost, mass housing schemes.

Permanent Insulated Formwork

 This formwork is assembled on site, usually out of insulating concrete forms (ICF). The formwork stays in place after the concrete has cured, and may provide advantages in terms of speed, strength, superior thermal and acoustic insulation, space to run utilities within the EPS layer, and integrated furring strip for cladding finishes.

Stay-In-Place structural formwork systems

This formwork is assembled on site, usually out of prefabricated fibre-reinforced plastic forms. These are in the shape of hollow tubes, and are usually used for columns and piers. The formwork stays in place after the concrete has cured and acts as axial and shear reinforcement, as well as serving to confine the concrete and prevent against environmental effects, such as corrosion and freeze-thaw cycles.

What Is ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Certification? and Types?

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification establishes credibility and trust among consumers, clients and other business partners. In today's international marketplace, such a designation validates that an organization adheres to global standards of quality assurance, manufacturing and business. For enterprise organizations, understanding what ISO certification entails can help to optimize business practices and inspire confidence in their interested parties.

In this article, we define ISO certification, explain why a business might want to pursue it and provide a step-by-step guide for earning a particular certification.


What is ISO certification?

ISO certification is a credential that validates a business's fulfilment of requirements relating to quality process standards as defined by the International Standards Organization. The ISO is a non-governmental organization that determines specifications for products, services and systems for quality and efficiency.

Its history dates back to the mid-twentieth century, when international delegates met in London to create a new standardization for international cooperation and organization. The ISO now has almost 23,000 published standards throughout 164 countries, and companies earn ISO certifications to prove their quality standards to the world.

Standards set forth by the ISO are valuable with regard to international trade as the organization has strict requirements concerning goods. Its ultimate goal is to improve industrial welfare worldwide, increasing levels of safety and security for all.

Credentialing takes place through external bodies, as the ISO itself doesn't perform certification. There are also multiple ISO certifications. The credentials relate to specific industries, including but not limited to:


Food safety



Occupational health and safety

Risk management


Each certification has its own set of standards and requirements. Some of the most common types of ISO certification are:

ISO 9000: One of the most common certifications is the ISO 9000, a grouping of standards that relates to quality management systems (QMS) and helps companies meet the needs of customers and other interested parties. It's the most basic form of what the ISO has set out to accomplish.

ISO 9001: Companies choose the ISO 9001 to establish product conformance to standardized requirements. In this case, the product also refers to services, materials, hardware and software, and this certification relates more to the product a company supplies rather than the entity itself.

ISO 13485: The ISO 13485 is a sector-specific certification for the medical device industry. It specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements.

ISO 14001: Relating to requirements for an environmental management system, the ISO 14001 is growing more prevalent because of consumer opinions concerning the impact of corporations on the environment. Entities with this certification control the effects of their general activities on both flora and fauna.