Differences between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001?



What is ISO 9001?

The international standard, ISO 9001, defines the specifications for a typical quality management system (QMS). Organizations can constantly and effectively deliver high-quality goods and services that satisfy their customers and QMS regulatory requirements by adopting and implementing these strategies.

This QMS framework primarily centers on seven quality management tenets — relationship management, evidence-based decision-making, leadership, process approach, employee involvement, and customer focus. ISO 9001 is valued for its ability to contribute to continuously producing high-quality products and services. It guarantees customer happiness, raises customer retention rates, and offers additional advantages to enterprises.

Who is ISO 9001 For?

Obtaining ISO 9001 certification is a must for every company that wishes to commit to providing continuously improved, high-quality products. An ISO 9001 certification demonstrates a company’s dedication to an internationally accepted standard, inspiring all stakeholders’ confidence.

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 provides the standards and guidance for environmental management systems. Organizations can enhance their environmental sustainability and impact by adopting and implementing the standard, which enables them to use an efficient, widely acknowledged, and acceptable ecological management system. For compliance purposes, ISO 14001 applies to all organizations, regardless of size.

An environmental management system can help businesses continuously measure, monitor, and limit environmental impact. ISO 14001, thus, enables companies to minimize their environmental effect and increase revenue by demonstrating their dedication to environmental responsibility and promoting efficiency. This keeps them out of the news and further boosts their business’s efficiency and positive ecological engagement.

Who is ISO 14001 For?

Any business that wants to limit its impact on the environment and increase its efficiency while providing employees, customers, and stakeholders continued assurance of its commitment to sustainability should employ ISO 14001.

What is ISO 45001?

The worldwide standard, ISO 45001, gives businesses precise guidelines for managing occupational health and safety. Following these guidelines can assist companies in ensuring advanced workplace health and safety, enhancing workforce productivity and efficiency, and extending the life of businesses.

ISO 45001 replaced the OHSAS 18001 security framework in March 2018. This security standard offers guidelines that focus on enhancing physical and mental health while lowering occupational accidents, injuries, and illness. For organizations to reap the benefits of ISO 45001 and meet its objectives, you will need senior management leadership, commitment, and employee involvement. It can be used by any Organization, from small businesses to global corporations, in any industry.

Who is ISO 45001 For?

ISO 45001 should be adhered to by any organization that wants to prevent workplace diseases and injuries, enhance its employees’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and boost productivity by minimizing stoppages and downtime.

Now that you briefly understand all three compliance standards, let’s check out their similarities.

Similarities Between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001

Here are the similarities between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001:

·         Companies must address the risks and opportunities associated with these frameworks when adhering to them.

·         All kinds of organizations, i.e., small businesses and multinational corporations, can use these compliance standards across all industries.

·         All created information regarding these standards must be documented for future use and reference.

·         Performance evaluation for any of these compliance frameworks must include all three elements — monitoring, measuring, and analysis.

·         Companies must focus on continual improvement while implementing these regulatory frameworks to ensure that everything is current.

While the basics may be the same for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001, as highlighted above, there are subtle differences between these three compliance standards, which we will discuss in the following section.

Differences Between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001

Here are the notable differences between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001:

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 helps organizations satisfy customer expectations, comply with regulations, and deliver high-quality products and services.

Focuses on achieving proposed quality objectives.

ISO 9001’s primary goal is to help improve processes.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 assists companies in demonstrating their dedication to environmental sustainability by minimizing ecological harm and industrial waste.

Focuses on attaining proposed environmental objectives.

ISO 14001’s primary goal is to help increase efficiency while maintaining environmental-friendliness.

ISO 45001

ISO 45001 enables businesses to demonstrate to employees, partners, clients, and other stakeholders that maintaining health and safety is a top priority for the Organization.

Focuses on attaining proposed OHSMS objectives.

ISO 45001’s primary goal is to minimize workplace risks and increase workforce productivity.

Procedure for determination of Compressive Strength of Mortar?


The compressive strength of mortar, as determined by utilizing 2-inch or 50mm cubes in accordance with ASTM C109 / C109M - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars, serves as a crucial parameter in assessing the durability and load-bearing capacity of various masonry structures. Mortar, composed of a blend of cement, sand, and water, finds widespread application in masonry works such as bricklaying, stone masonry, and plastering of walls and columns. This article aims to delve into the significance of testing mortar compressive strength, the methods employed for its determination, and the calculation procedures involved.


Procedure for Determination of Compressive Strength

To ascertain the compressive strength of standard cement-sand mortar cubes, a meticulous procedure is followed, employing specific apparatus and protocols.



The apparatus required for conducting the compressive strength test includes 7.06cm cube molds with a face area of 50cm², equipment for gauging and mixing mortar, a vibrator, and a compression testing machine.


1.       Procedure for Compressive Strength of Mortar

2.       Measure 200g of cement and 600g of standard sand in a 1:3 ratio by weight.

3.       The sand utilized must conform to specified standards, exhibiting characteristics such as angular grains and passing through a 2mm IS sieve.

4.       Mix the dry cement and sand thoroughly for one minute, then gradually add water. The water quantity should be proportional to the combined weight of cement and sand, determined by a predefined formula based on the paste's standard consistency.

5.       Continue mixing until a uniform consistency is achieved, ensuring a mixing duration between 3 to 4 minutes.

6.       Transfer the mortar mixture into cube molds, compacting it by prodding the mixture 20 times within 8 seconds to eliminate entrapped air.

7.       If a vibrator is utilized, subject the cube molds to vibration for a duration of 2 minutes at a specified speed of 12000±400 vibrations per minute.

8.       Place the cube molds in an environment with a temperature of 27±2°C and 90% relative humidity for 24 hours.

9.       After 24 hours, remove the cubes from the molds and submerge them in clean water until testing. Testing should be conducted on their sides without any additional packing.

10.   Employ a uniform rate of loading, typically 350 kg/cm²/minute, for testing three cubes and report the average values as the compressive strength at both 7 and 28 days.

The results of the mortar cube test are reported in terms of compressive strength at 7 and 28 days, expressed in N/mm². Additionally, calculations involve determining the breaking load, cross-sectional area, and ultimate compressive strength of the mortar samples.


In summary, the compressive strength of mortar serves as a fundamental parameter in assessing the structural robustness of masonry constructions. Through meticulous testing procedures and precise calculations, engineers and construction professionals can ensure the durability and safety of load-bearing structures, thereby contributing to the overall resilience of buildings and infrastructure.

What is a lintel /Beam? Uses?

In construction, a lintel is a beam placed across the top of an opening in a wall. Used above empty spaces like entrances and windows in buildings, lintels support the weight of the structures above them. Typically, the beams fit seamlessly into the wall, matching the width of the wall and extending past either end of the opening. Mostly used in brick and masonry buildings, lintels stem from a variety of materials depending on the structure's support needs, contractor preference and building aesthetic. Similar to an arch but flat and easier to install, lintels can be an important structural element in a building.


Where are lintels used?

Lintels support the weight of structures above wall openings, doorways and windows in primarily brick and masonry buildings. Open spaces in walls often lack structural integrity because there is nothing above the gap to support the load on top of the opening. To combat this, lintel beams extend past either side of the doorway or opening. Builders install them into the wall to disperse the weight of materials directly atop the open space.

What is The Rebound Hammer Test? Procedure and Advantages?


The Rebound Hammer Test, also known as the Schmidt Hammer Test, is a non-destructive test (NDT) used to assess the surface hardness and, indirectly, the compressive strength of concrete. It is widely used in the field of civil engineering for quality control and to estimate the uniformity and strength of in-situ concrete.

Principle of the Rebound Hammer Test

The Rebound Hammer Test is based on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass depends on the hardness of the surface it strikes. When the plunger of the rebound hammer is pressed against the concrete surface, a spring-controlled mass rebounds. The rebound distance depends on the surface hardness of the concrete, which is then correlated to the compressive strength of the concrete.

Procedure of the Rebound Hammer Test

1.  Preparation : Ensure that the concrete surface is clean and smooth, free from dust, loose particles, and any form of coating or surface irregularity that may affect the reading. The test should be performed on a dry surface for more accurate results.

2.  Calibration : Check and calibrate the rebound hammer as per the manufacturer's specifications before starting the test.

3.  Positioning the Hammer : Hold the hammer firmly and press it perpendicularly against the concrete surface. The plunger of the hammer should be in contact with the concrete.

4.  Rebound Measurement : Press the plunger firmly until the hammer impacts the surface. The hammer will rebound, and the rebound number (a dimensionless number indicating the rebound distance) is displayed on a scale.

5.  Recording the Rebound Number : Repeat the test at different points on the concrete surface, typically at least 10-12 times for a reliable average, spaced uniformly to cover the entire area.

6.  Analysis : The average of the recorded rebound numbers is used to estimate the compressive strength of the concrete using established correlation charts or formulas provided by the hammer manufacturer.

Advantages of the Rebound Hammer Test

1.  Non-Destructive : The test does not damage the structure being tested, making it suitable for in-situ testing of finished concrete.

2.  Quick and Easy : It is a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method that requires minimal preparation.

3.  Portable Equipment : The rebound hammer is a portable tool that can be easily carried to different sites for on-site testing.

4.  Immediate Results : Provides immediate results that can be used for quick assessments of concrete quality and uniformity.

5.  Wide Application : Suitable for testing large areas of concrete surfaces to detect variations in surface hardness and potential weaknesses.


What is NCR in Construction? Process to Close when detected?




NCR typically stands for "Non Conformance Report "it is formal document is used in construction projects to record and communicate instances where work of materials do not meet the specified requirements, standards, codes and quality expectations.

When a non-conformance is detected, internally by Construction Team or externally by consultants or third parties, a root cause of non-conforming product or service is performed using 5M method (Material, Machine, Manpower, Measurement including management and Mother Earth (Environment) by Quality team in coordination with relevant team(s) causing the non-conformity and actions implemented to prevent their recurrence.

Non-conformances or opportunities for improvement may be identified by employees, customer complaints or by quality management system audit reports. By whichever means a non-conformance is identified, the underlying cause of the non-conformance is investigated.

The Quality Manager/Engineer  will review any issues raised and complete a non-conformance report in order to identify root cause and level of action required.

Al Construction will take action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence. Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformity encountered.

A documented procedure has been established to define requirements for:

(a)   Reviewing nonconformities (including Engineer complaints)

(b)   Determining the causes of nonconformities

(c)   Evaluating the need for action to ensure that conformities do not occur

(d)   Determining and implementing actions needed

(e)   Records of the results of action taken and

(f)    Reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective action taken

Designated personnel must implement the agreed level of action within an agreed timescale.

The Department Head will follow up all corrective actions to ensure effective and timely responses are achieved.

The Department Head or representative will close out the corrective action when satisfactory resolution has been achieved and when objective evidence of close out has been obtained through inquiry or audit.

Preventive action such as, implementing, modifying or enforcing procedures or controls will be taken to avoid repetition of the non-conformance where necessary.

The corrective action request originator verifies the effectiveness of the corrective action(s) taken. Where the Originator is also responsible for the implementation of the corrective action; the Department Head will provide the verification for corrective action request closure.

If corrective actions are determined to be not effective, the original corrective action request will be closed, and a new corrective action request will be issued.

1.1       Review and Disposition of Nonconforming Items

Quality Manager in coordination with Construction Manager will review all non-conforming items and provide recommendations related to disposition to Project Manager.

Project Manager will have the final authority to determine the relevant disposition of nonconforming items.

Nonconforming items will be reviewed in accordance with Contractor’s Control of Non-Conformance Procedure. A nonconforming item may be:

(a)   reworked to meet the specified requirements

(b)   accepted with or without repair if agreed in writing by the Engineer

(c)   re-graded for alternative applications

(d)   rejected or scrapped.

The proposed use or repair of an item which does not conform to the requirements of the Project Documentation shall be reported to the Engineer. The description of the nonconformity and of repairs shall be recorded to denote the actual condition.

Repaired and/or reworked products shall be inspected in accordance with the documented procedure

1.2       Closing of the Violation

The NCR is issued for poor quality of any material or deliverable that does not meet the technical, functional or administrative requirements,

Three things must occur in order for an NCR to be closed.

a.     The original offence causing the violation must be remedied.

b.     A root cause analysis must be performed.

c.     Any policies, procedures, or controls that need to be written, updated, or implemented must be accomplished with evidence included.


NCR must be responded within 14 working days from the issue date for root cause, correction and corrective action while proposed closed date shall be estimated after thorough deliberation of review period and duration required for completion of remedial action and corrective action.

In all cases, NCR close out dates shall not be surpassed to remain within agreed close out dates

Site Observation reports must be closed within a maximum of 14 days


What Software's A Civil Engineer Be familiar with?


If you are interested in Civil Engineering, you need to familiarize yourself with several civil engineering software programs. Civil engineers use various programs to help them in their daily duties. They do everything from modeling pipe networks or water quality ponds to making sure they stay on schedule.  Although there are various sub-disciplines like transportation engineering and structural design, there are several civil engineering software programs that are universal.

The civil engineering software you use the most will depend on the kinds of projects you are involved in and your specialization.

You will also use different programs as you progress in your career as an engineer.

To start with, you will use the more technical programs, and as you progress, you will begin to use programs that focus on project management.

 The list we've put together below contains programs for civil engineers used most often by every civil engineer, no matter what phase of their career they are in.



AutoCAD is likely the most used software program in the world of civil engineering.

CAD stands for computer-aided design. AutoCAD is drafting software that's used to prepare construction plans. It can also be used in many other industries, like surveying, architecture, interior design, electrical engineering, communications, and many more. This means that learning AutoCAD will make you very versatile. Autodesk is the company that makes AutoCAD, and they also make a program called AutoCAD Civil 3D. Along with using drafting tools, AutoCAD Civil 3D allows you to perform tasks like creating surfaces, profiles, alignments, and more.


HEC-HMS, or the hydrologic modeling system, is considered a standard for hydrologic simulation. It is used to simulate the hydrologic process of watershed systems. It also provides you with nearly all the drainage values you will need. With HEC-HMS, you can describe the physical properties of a watershed and the meteorology that will act on the watershed during a specific timeframe in a simulation. The simulation results are easy to understand, with summary tables for each element, including peak flow, total volume, depth, and storage values in reservoirs and ponds. Although it was developed at the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers, anyone can download HEC-HMS.


Revit is a great program that will extend your Building Information modeling (BIM).

You can use Revit to design, plan, and construct buildings and infrastructure elements. And instead of just creating a drawing of the elements in your projects, you can build 3D models with Revit. You can attach a lot of information to each element in your model.

After learning how to use Revit, you will have the confidence to manipulate the data from a BIM model and know how one change to an object on a model will impact the rest of the design.


STAAD PRO by Bentley systems is a program used in the design and analysis of structures used by many professional civil engineers for construction projects.

Many structural design engineers choose STAAD PRO for the steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and cold-formed steel design of any structure.


Microsoft Excel

Most civil engineering calculations are performed in Excel, so it is imperative that you know how to use MS Excel in civil engineering.

You need to have basic Excel skills, but don't worry; you don't need to become a Microsoft Excel wizard.

If you had to use Microsoft Excel throughout your time as an undergrad engineering student, you have probably developed enough skills in the program to get by.

To stay familiar with Excel, you can use spreadsheets in your personal life. For example, you can create a spreadsheet to organize your finances or create daily schedules.


Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is an excellent project management tool you should be able to use in civil engineering. Microsoft Project is similar to many Microsoft Office programs, so it will be easy to navigate. When it comes to managing engineering projects, scheduling is extremely important.



MicroStation doesn't tax your system resources like RAM, and MicroStation typically runs pretty light. It's also popular because of its speedy modeling, viewing, documentation, and visualization of projects. MicroStation is an easy-to-use program with an easy-to-use interface that you can get the hang of it pretty fast the first time you use it.


Bluebeam Revu

Bluebeam makes marking up PDFS and managing sheets easier than if you were using Adobe Acrobat. It also allows you to measure the length of linear features and determine the area of polygons by using the scale to calibrate the page. Many civil engineers prefer Bluebeam Revu over Adobe Acrobat. It's a fairly intuitive program, and you won't need to dedicate much time, if any at all, to learn to use it outside of work. As a civil engineer, you at least need to be aware of Bluebeam Revu because it's always good to know as much as possible about your industry.


 SketchUp is one of the most complete 3D visualization programs for civil engineers, and you can do basically everything you need with the free version.

There are many remarkable capabilities in SketchUp, especially when you consider its robust extension warehouse. With it, you can utilize pre-built assets from fellow users to speed up the design process.

It also makes the design process extremely easy. With it, you just draw lines and shapes and then push and pull the surfaces to convert them into 3D forms. It can also stretch, copy, orbit, and paint easily and quickly to make anything you desire.


What are the Career Options after Civil Engineering?


Civil engineering is the oldest professional degree in engineering.


If you want to make your civil engineering career, you have the following options, The listed down the best possible career options after civil engineering one can choose from after completing your engineering degree in Civil Engineering.


1. Start a Job/Internship

As a fresher in the Construction industry, Real Estate, Infrastructure & project industry, you can start as a site engineer or any other entry-level job that suits your academics.


2. Management Degree 

MBA in Construction Management, Project management, Real estate Management, Infrastructure Management is some of the courses offered by the Indian universities and institutes that are very much in demand.

3. Higher Education 

You can give it a for M.S. or MTech in Structural Engineering or any other specialization. After your M. Tech or M.E., you can also start your career in the construction sector. You can also create your career in academics as if you are interested in teaching.


These are some specializations for the M.E. & MTech post-graduation degree course. Kindly check these top civil engineering colleges in India offering post-graduate engineering courses in India.


1.       Structural Engineering

2.       Environment Engineering

3.       Geotechnical Engineering

4.       Construction Management

5.       Digital Construction Management

6.       Project Management

7.       Aerospace Engineering

8.       Urban Planning

9.       Nuclear Engineering

10.   Aviation

11.   Building Services Engineering

12.   Traffic and Transportation Engineering

13.   Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering

14.   Geo-informatics

15.   Transportation Engineering

16.   Water Resource Engineering


4. Job opportunities in public sector Undertakings (PSUs)

If you are technically strong, you can apply for PSUs. Nowadays, they are mainly dependent on the GATE score. Almost all government companies publish job advertisements regularly in national newspapers.

Civil engineers hold practically all civil service positions in public works departments. This is also one of the best civil engineering career options. Must prepare hard for GATE.


NTPC – National Thermal Power Corporation Limited

BHEL – Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

ONGC – Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited

HAL – Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

GAIL – Gas Authority of India Limited

SAIL – Steel Authority of India Limited

IOCL – Indian Oil Corporation

BSNL – Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization

WAPCOS- Water and Power Consultancy Services


6. Government Engineering Jobs

You can also write government exams for class one posts in various government engineering departments. You can prepare for the exams like UPSC & IES: Indian Engineering Services to secure your job in the government department; you can go for a CSIR fellowship.

State Public work departments (PWD) and other engineering departments have regular recruitment for civil engineering graduates, and it is comparatively easy to crack.

You are also eligible for Bank Jobs in India. (Bank P.O.’s) one of the very lucrative career options nowadays. Most government engineering companies post jobs for civil engineers. This is one of the best civil engineering career options. Kindly check and apply for the latest government engineering jobs.

7. Gulf Civil Engineering Jobs


You can find Civil Engineering Jobs in gulf Countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia. If your friends or relatives working in the respected fields with reference or can try by attending Client interviews.