Tips on e-mailing - from my Experience
an HR who receives thousands of resumes daily
Today sending resumes through e-mails is the most effective & fastest way
of job hunting. If you notice your resume getting rejected frequently and
inadequate responses to your emails, go through the following ten tips to
increase the effectiveness of your resume.
1. While applying for a job, as far as possible try to put the company's
mailID in the 'TO' column instead of keeping it in the 'CC' or
'BCC' column.
2. Do not keep any other company's mailID in the 'CC' of the same
3. If necessary you can keep your own mailID in the 'CC' of the same
4. While sending resumes to many E-mail Ids at the same time, keep all the
addresses in the 'BCC' of the mail which will not be visible for the
recipients. Also put your own mailID in the 'TO' column.
5. You can paste your resume in the mail Text or can be attached as a document
unless it is specifically mentioned.
6. While applying for any company's notifications, do follow the
instructions word by word.
7. When you are asked to write any particular 'subject line', write
exactly what is being asked to do. This is Very very important because today all
the mail boxes are attacked by spam & virus mails and the recipient will be
filtering your mails automatically/manually based on the mail subject only.
For eg. When you are asked to write the subject 'Software
Engineer-Bangalore", write exactly that and do not write "I am
applying for the post of Software Engineer - Bangalore"
8. Also try to write the important part of your subject at the beginning
because in the recipient's mail box the longest subjects will be truncated
and only the first part will be displayed.
For eg. Instead of writing 'My Freshersworld.com registration no. is
cse12345' try writing 'cse12345 - Freshersworld.com Registration
no.'. Please note here that the company will be looking only for your
registration no. and it is better if you write just " cse12345 ".
9. Pls note that all your casual mails with the subject ' Freshers
Resume' or 'Registration details' will be summarily deleted and do
not spend time on sending such mails where the notification asks you to put
specific 'subject'.
10. Do not send the mail 3 or 4 times in order to make sure it reaches
correctly which may irritate the recipient. Instead, in the first mail itself
put your own mailID in the 'BCC' and check if the mail is received
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