Usage of Anti Termite Treatment of Soil before Concreting and Method Statement.

Termites are eusocial insects that are classified at the taxonomic rank of infraorder Isoptera, or as epifamily Termitoidae within the cockroach order Blattodea. Termites were once classified in a separate order from cockroaches, but recent phylogenetic studies indicate that they evolved from close ancestors of cockroaches during the Jurassic or Triassic. However, the first termites possibly emerged during the Permian or even the Carboniferous. About 3,106 species are currently described, with a few hundred more left to be described. Although these insects are often called "white ants", they are not ants, popularly known as white ants cause considerable damage to wood works, furnishing etc. of buildings. There are more than 2,500 different types of termites in the world. To identify the termite and its uniqueness, the life cycle of termite is necessary to understand. Anti-termites are used before blinding to combat the problem.

        The purpose of anti-termite treatment is to provide the building with a chemical barrier against the sub-terrain termites.

  Here is the Method Statement for Anti-termite Treatment.

 1. Title Method Statement for Anti-termite Treatment.

 2. Purpose and scope The scope of the work is a proper way of Anti-termite Treatment ( vertically and horizontally ) with the use of (approved Anti-termite Material ) on all concrete in contact with the soil.

 3. Work Procedure Preliminary ActivitiesProperly coordinate with the concerned party or main contractor on how the process will be done with regards to application scheduling and area preparation. Coordinate and confirmation of people site access. And the water source accessibility on site. The Method Statement ( MS ), Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) and Material Approval Request ( MAR) must be on hand with the QA/QC Engineer before the commencement of the work. Preconstruction ActivitiesRemove all wooden pieces, concrete debris, plastic strips, tree stump roots, deleterious materials, etc. The soil shall be leveled and compacted if in case bottom of the blinding before treatment starts. All construction-related tests shall be approved by the Engineer prior to treatment. Construction ActivitiesUnder PCC of FoundationAfter the advice of the Engineer to proceed, the application shall immediately begin by first preparing and mixing the solutions of Approved Anti-termite material diluted with water at a rate of 1:49 Liter water as per manufacturer’s recommendation. A solution of approved Anti-termite material diluted with water at a rate of 1:49 Liter shall be sprayed prior to casting of blinding of footing or any foundation type with the application rate of 4 to 5 liter per square meter. The treated area shall then be covered with a polythene sheet, it can be opened free until 2 hours, and then casting can be started. Casting must be completed by 2 to 24 hours after the Anti-termite application. Trench Around the Foundation WallBackfill the sides up to the top level of the proposed foundation ( considering that the height of the foundation will exceed more than 1 meter ).Make a trench with 150mm width by a 150mm depth along the perimeter of the foundation. A solution of Approved Anti-termite material diluted with water at a rate of 1:49 Liter shall be sprayed with an application rate of 5 -6 Liter per linear meter int the trench along the perimeter of the foundation. The trench shall be backfilled within 24 hours of treatment. Under PCC of Tie BeamA solution of Approved Anti-termite material diluted with water at a rate of 1:49 Liter shall be sprayed prior to the casting of PCC of tie beams with the application rate of 4 to 5 Liter square meter. The treated area must be immediately covered by polythene sheet, it can be uncovered for 2 hours before casting. And casting must be completed by 2 to 24 hours after Anti-termite application. Polythene sheet covering underground Slab and Along the Side of the BeamsThe trench shall be constructed with a measure of 150mm by a 150mm depth along the perimeter of the tie beams. A solution of the Approved Anti-termite material diluted with water at a rate of 1:49 Liter will be sprayed prior to ground slab casting with the application rate of 4 to 5 per square meter. With the same solution of Approved Anti-termite material, apply 5 to 6 Liter per linear meter into the trench along the perimeter of the tie beams. Backfill the trench after letting the termiticide subside within 2 hours. The backfilling must be done within 2 to 24 hours after the anti-termite application. Along the Outside Perimeter of the BuildingMake a trench, 150mm in width and 150mm in-depth, along with the external perimeter of the building at the same level of the landscape. A solution of Approved Anti-termite material diluted with water at a rate of 1:49 Liter will be sprayed into the trench along the external perimeter of the building with an application rate of 5 to 6 Liter per linear meter. Backfill the trench within 2 to 24 hours after the treatment.

4. Safety All works shall comply with the safety procedure or instruction as set out in project safety plan and municipality rules and regulations. Basic Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) shall be worn by all staff or laborers. All operatives shall be inducted before entering the site. Toolbox talk shall be conducted before the activity.

 5. Equipment and Tools Power Sprayer (diesel – driven) fixed at the carriage of the service car Spray Nozzle ( used to facilitate the formations of spray in the targeted area) Personal Protective Equipment, Safety helmet, Safety gloves, Safety shoes, eye protection or goggles, approved respirator and safety jacket.



  1. Great and amazing blog on the anti- termite treatment, it is very helpful Thank you so much for sharing this blog,

  2. RMC plant in Amritsar, Punjab is used in construction projects where the site is not willing, or unable, to mix concrete on site.

  3. Thanks for sharing the ideas for termite control. These days, the requirement of termite pest control has become quite necessary to get rid of the harmful effects of termites. I used DIY termite control products in pre-construction & also after the construction of my house. There are many other bands who provide these kinds of products but trust only those who have a number of experience in this industry.
